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Community life requires us to set time and place markers, which indicate the various stages of the day aimed at meeting the different needs of the children (mealtimes, rest time, free play, one-to-one time, themed sessions) and which make the children feel secure due to their regular time pattern.

Timetables may vary however, depending on each child’s individual needs.

Accordingly, our staff adapt to and respect each baby and young child’s rhythm, both at mealtimes and during rest time and one-to-ones.

The following gives a “theoretical” overview of a typical day in the Nursery depending on the children's skills and their age: 


Typical day:

> 7.30-9.30 : Free play

> 8.30-9.00 : Optional breakfast of fruit and bread with spreads, served with milk or water. Optional meal, according to child's preference.

> 9.30-11.00 : Activities suggested by teachers, either indoors or outdoors.

> 11.15-12.30 : Everyone sits together for a meal made up of soup or crudités, protein, pulses and/or cooked vegetables. Water is offered to drink. 

> 12.30-... : Nap varying in length depending on the children, followed by one-to-one time and free play.

> 15.30 : Tea, which varies from day to day. It could include dairy products (cheese, yoghurts, puddings), or a variety of fruit accompanied with bread, homemade cakes (occasionally) or cereal. 

> 16.00-18.30 : Free play and priority given to outdoor play on the plain. 

Meals :

Meals are prepared on-site and in a newly refurbished kitchen which meats regulatory standards.

We make it our priority to use fresh, quality produce which is seasonal, and occasionally organic where possible. We also aim to use local produce where possible. 

The various puddings and cakes are homemade.

We comply with HHCP hygiene rules pursuant to current food safety legislation.

Where a child has medically confirmed food allergies, we will provide for their dietary requirements.

In case of a serious allergy which could trigger anaphylactic shock, we will order the delivery of special meals.

We can prepare specific meals to cater to special needs related to cultural or religious beliefs.


Parents can consult our weekly menus on a display board at the Nursery’s entrance.


The composition of our baby meals is adapted to their stage of development; we will offer different foods and textures in consultation with parents and according to the recommendations made by their paediatrician.

We can offer breastmilk, either by giving the baby breastmilk provided by their mother in a bottle, or by offering the mother a private area where they can feed undisturbed. An area has been set aside specifically for this purpose in the parents’ reception area.

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